Thursday, March 23, 2023

Kathleen Fitzgerald Terrien. Kate and friends

Kate Fitzgerald with friends

Seems to be Kate's pre-wedding party. Kate is fifth from the right, in front of the door at 622 Eighth Ave. SW. Future sister-in-law Marcella Terrien Grady is in front of Kate, showing some leg among all those bathrobes.

Lewis Towers.

Kate looking over someone's elbow 4th from the right. Lewis Towers.

Kate is second from the left

Kate is on the far left. Marcella Terrien Grady is on the far right, Kate's future sister in law. Graduation from Rosary College (now Dominican University), 1946.


Kathleen Maura Fitzgerald Terrien
Kate Fitzgerald


  1. Brigid: I love these photos, any more detail on chronology and trips? I love the clothes.

  2. I love these too. Some are new to me. No further info - so late 40's
