Monday, March 13, 2023

Ray Moonan - brother of Grandma Kathleen Fitzgerald

Ray Moonan, brother of our Kathleen Moonan FItzgerald.

Ray Moonan had a law office in New Prauge, MN that John Moonan Fitzgerald joined and continued.

Brigid says about Ray: 'My Dad worshiped him.'

And this contribution regarding Ray Moonan's passing comes from Maureen Fitzgerald Hunt...

"- (Ray) always went to same Italian restaurant daily from work. ( was it Cafe di Napoli? Not confirmed but maybe Mike Fitz recalls) After Ray's death in 1968 the restaurant catered the lunch at his home following his funeral. The archbishop said the funeral mass ( likely Archbishop Leo Binz? Unconfirmed. Who came in 1962. ) Grace Moonan and Helen Moonan were bickering to such an extent (that archbishop could likely hear them) That John M. Fitzgerald was sent to get them to stop - by Florence, Ray's widow. Florence was from the Sheehy family from Montgomery , MN. Her sister married a Remele ... Louis Remele, ( her son?) attended Creighton Law School with Mark Walbran"


Ray Moonan was born Sept. 9, 1898. The fifth of six children who survived to adulthood.

For people not in direct lines on our family map, I'm going to highlight their closest connections. In this case I'm highlighting Grandma Kathleen as the sister of Ray Moonan.

1 comment:

  1. Brigid: Ray Moonan would be Louis Remele's great uncle.
