Thursday, March 23, 2023

Kathleen Fitzgerald Terrien. Kate and family

A focus on Kate FItzgerald and family.

Left to right: Pat, Mike, Grandma Kathleen, Kate, Sheila, John.

Left to right: John, Grandma Kathleen, Ro, Kate

Left to right: Sheila, Ro, Kate

Left to right: Kate, Ro, Sheila

Kate and Sheila

Kate and Mike

Kate and Mike


Kathleen Maura Fitzgerald Terrien
Kate Fitzgerald
Kathleen Moonan Fitzgerald
Rosemary Fitzgerald Morris
Patrick William Fitzgerald

Michael Joseph FItzgerald
John Moonan Fitzgerald
Sheila Mary Fitzgerald


  1. brigid: Rick, do you know the date of the photo of Grandma Fitz and Kate - in front of the North(West) airline plane? and where they were headed?

  2. No dates or info on the photos. I believe those photos are of two trips to Cleveland to visit Mike (undergraduate? Law?)
