Saturday, February 18, 2023

Family forum - post general comments and 'hellos' here

I believe we have the comments open on each post for people to comment on each specific post.

I'm going to experiment with a new post (this one) called 'Family forum'. The idea is that as new family members arrive or have general questions, comments, etc., they can leave them here.

I believe this platform will bump up blog posts with recent activity to the top of the post list.... so this 'Family forum' SHOULD be ususally visible near the top of the feed without having to search in Blog History.

If it doesn't work, we can kill this idea.


  1. First test of comments on this Family Forum post - Rick

  2. Test comment 2. Entered after Patrick Moonan obits

    1. Megan: I'm just stumbling onto this forum. Hope it works!

  3. I am loving this. Rick can you tell us, to get it off Anonymous, I put in my name but it seems to ask for a URL? I am trying without the URL. Let me know if you can see the comment and my name is attached. Of course, we could ask family to ID themselves in their comments!
